Mosquitoland by David Arnold
In this awesome book, our heroine, Mary Iris Malone, (who is not okay) discovers that her mum is ill. So of course, she goes to Cleveland to find her. Along the way she meets Arlene, a Grande Dame from the Old School if ever there was one and her suspicions about Carls are confirmed.
She is faced with the great evils of Poncho Man and Shadow Kid, and meets Walter, King of shiny, Rubix Cube, Cubs and Mountain Dew, and Beckett Van Buren, a devastatingly handsome Knight in Navy Nylon.
My favourite character was Mim, but I fell in love with all the characters, and with every word...
This book is funny, loving and cool. I'd recommend it to anyone who likes good books.
People say home is where the heart is, but I think maybe home is the heart.
Don't underestimate the value of friends.
I swear, the longer I live, the less things make sense.
Sometimes you walk into a room one person, and when you come out the other side, you're someone else altogether.
A thing's not a thing until you say it out loud.
In summary, I am 110 percent Anomaly, plus maybe 33 percent Independent Spirit, and 7 percent Free-Thinking Genius. My sum total is 150 percent, but, as a living, breathing Anomaly, this is to be expected. Boom.
Pain makes people who they are.
Have a vision, unclouded by fear.
Every great character, Iz, be it on page or screen, is multidimensional. The good guys aren't all good, and the bad guys aren't all bad, and any character wholly one or the other shouldn't exist at all. Remember this when I describe the antics that follow, for though I am not a villain, I am not immune to villainy.
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