Instructions For Flight by Kate I. Foley
Instructions For Flight by Kate. I. Foley Kate I. Foley’s debut poetry collection took my breath away. The language was rich in beautiful metaphors and similes, repetition and rhyme were used perfectly. I always find that when I read a good poetry book, I start speaking with line breaks, and this one certainly had that effect. Instructions For Flight discusses important issues in a unique and stunning way. It explores love, hate and fear using gorgeous imagery and eloquent language. Kate shows pure love and emotion in a bare and truthful way. She conveys feeling wonderfully with metaphors and similes in a way I’ve never seen before. Her poetry collection is not extremely long but it is important and powerful. My favourite poem of the collection would have to be the namesake, Instructions for Flight. This poem is all about mental health and stepping out and becoming who you are (spreading your wings, you could say). Again, Kate used metaphor and simile so effectively I could...